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Netherlands Road Trip: Tulip Fields Tour + 5 More Stunning Routes

Dutch road trip ideas for your next self-drive adventure

From flower routes through the historic bulb fields, along canals lined with windmills, to the port cities with their pretty harbours and even a cheese fest, taking in the medieval markets in Gouda and Edam, there is so much variety in store on a Netherlands road trip.

Most of the routes we have listed for you are signposted. But you can also use navigation addresses to design your own journey across our favourite areas.

Car hire Netherlands

Drive the Tulip route - Netherlands best road trip

The Netherlands has been known as the world centre for bulb growing for nearly five centuries. In spring, vast swathes of the country turn into a riot of colour as millions of bulbs burst into bloom. Each year visitors flock to witness the breathtaking spectacle and indulge in the dreamy pursuit of driving the tulip routes. And you can join them.


Best three road trips to the flower fields


First stop for a great day among the tulips is the Keukenhof in Lisse near Amsterdam, Europe’s largest botanical garden and home to the Tulip Festival featuring 800 varieties.

Next, opt for one of the three main tulip routes in the Netherlands created each year to help visitors navigate the floral feast. From Keukenhof, follow the tulip trail through the surrounding Bollenstreek region of the western Netherlands, famous for its sand dunes as well as tulip cultivation.


Discover the best month to drive the Tulip route


The other main tulip areas are a short (45min) drive north of Amsterdam. Join the Noordoostpolder route which has around 2000 hectares of tulip fields on show before setting off on the Flevopolder route which boasts a magnificent 4000 hectares. Once you are there, as well as walking and selfies among the tulips, there are cycling trails and some locations even offer camping and glamping so you can wake up in this floral heaven bathed in scent and colour.

Tulip season begins around mid-March and runs until early May but the flowers reach their peak in April so plan your travel accordingly.

Car hire Netherlands