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Long-term Car Rental in the UK for up to Three Months with Free Additional Driver

Flexible-mileage packages for 31-day to 90-day car hire. Select your mileage limit in the drop-down below, from 1,000 to 2,500.

Hire a car in the UK for up to 90 days with our long-term car rental service

Long-term, monthly car rental is an easy alternative to leasing and contract hire when you need a vehicle for up to 90 days.


You simply select the mileage that you require in the drop-down list above - 1,000 miles, 2,000 miles or 2,500 miles - and the price that suits your lifestyle and budget.    

Whether you’re looking for an alternative to a short-term business car lease or a safe family car for the holidays, our monthly car rental options are an ideal solution if you don’t want the commitment of a short-term car lease.

Long-term car rental with Avis - complete flexibility